Symptoms of a Drug Prescription

Symptoms of a Drug Prescription

Wellness ♥ Nikki’s Story

Recognizing Yourself

October 26, 2023 by Nikki and Anne Heart  ♥ Nikki’s Story: Journey to Recognizing

Although we wrote this post together, we have chosen to present the following journey through Nikki’s eyes.

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Recognizing What Can Be the Problem

Recognizing what truly is the problem with your wellness can often be difficult.

I have realized over the years that a trigger of your physical or mental unwellness, can be very subtle.

As a person who has experienced negative thoughts throughout my life, I often looked only at the noticeable things.

And unfortunately, my health care providers did this as well.

Common triggers for negative thoughts could be:
  • A disagreement with a family member, friend or co-worker
  • Having a big piece of cake
  • Being late for work
  • Forgetting if you locked the front door                     

I can list hundreds of examples, but I think you can get the idea from this list.

But recognizing negative thought triggers is not always that obvious as I once believed.

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Knowing About the Not So Obvious Triggers

When I first began my prescription drug treatment plan, I spoke about having negative thoughts, low self-esteem and friendship issues.

My original health care practioner asked me early in my treatment if my head ever raced out of nowhere.

Thinking about the question, I answered yes, mentioning it did when I was in the shower washing my hair. 

Unfortunately, she never acknowledged when it happened, just that it did.

Over the years, I have recognized more and more of my chemical sensitivities and the negative reactions it can have on me.

I now realize when I take a shower with certain shampoos and conditioners, my head begins to race.

Learning to recognize this has helped in my awareness and lead me to minimize exposure to certain things that can be a trigger to a negative thought or general unwellness.

These exposures include:

  • Fragrances
  • Ingredients in pharmaceutical products
  • Bleach
  • Propane gas
  • Preservatives
  • Dyes
  • Sugar
  • Gluten
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Awareness can be a big challenge

One of the main challenges I continue to encounter is having acknowledgement that my sensitivities can cause mental and physical unwellness.

As extreme sanitizing became the norm in stores and elsewhere, so did my concern regarding my sensitivities.

I recall waiting in a doctor’s office when they began spraying a disinfectant on chairs around me with no prior warning.

When my mom asked them to please stop spraying, they didn’t even acknowledge the potential problem.

With lack of awareness, most people — even health care practioners — consider these sensitivities to be in a person’s head and not a real medical problem.

Because of this, many people keep their sensitivities to themselves.

But they are real, and they must be taken into consideration when it comes to your overall well-being. 

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Years ago when I first started recognizing my sensitivities, I began to realize the negative effect it had on me. 

During a horseback riding lesson I was taking, my mom started noticing the barn workers sanitizing the barn with bleach.

As she started to approach the workers regarding this, she noticed my riding took a turn for the worse.

After having several successful jumps, I approached the next jump differently.

I remember feeling disoriented and sudden confusion.

Luckily, my instructor noticed something was wrong and helped me bring my horse to a halt.

By this time, I lost all communication skills along with becoming severely confused.

I wasn’t aware of what was happening, but fortunately my mom was. She knew right away it was the bleach fumes and immediately helped me out of the barn.

Fortunately, I was not injured nor was the horse.

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Continous exposure to be aware of

If you have sensitivities to chemicals, foods, etc. this can trigger mental or physical unwellness.

Continuous exposure to certain things, I realized can build up into my system and cause negative effects.

For example:

  • Eating too much gluten causes me to have physical negative effects
  • However, eating too much gluten free, causes my mood to be depressed

A balance of gluten in my diet is best for my wellness.

Things to recognize:

  • Negative effect may not be instant
  • Even if you do have an instant negative reaction, it may last for sometime after
  • More exposure you have, can cause more negative effects to your wellbeing

Most importantly…

  • Observe what truly is going on within you
  • Recognize if it is something outside your body than can be contributing to your negative thoughts and general unwellness
  • Listen to yourself!

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“It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.”

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Note: All information in “Nikki’s Story” are based on detail journals covering seven years of Nikki’s life on prescription drugs.

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