Symptoms of a Drug Prescription

Symptoms of a Drug Prescription

Medication ♥ Mom’s Story

Journey through Topicals

April 11, 2024 by Nikki and Anne Heart  ♥ Mom’s Story: Journey through Topicals

Although we wrote this post together, we have chosen to present the following journey through Mom’s eyes.

lotions and creams

Mom’s Story:

Journey through Topicals

As a woman in my sixties experiencing eczema the majority of my life, I am well aware of the various prescription and over-the-counter topicals on the market.

I never really put much thought about applying a lotion or cream to my skin. My thinking was it either worked or it didn’t especially when it was being prescribed by a health care provider.

Recently, however, I question what I put on my skin mainly due to the knowledge I now have that a simple lotion or cream can have serious long term side effects which can be permanent.

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Learning with topicals

Skin reactions:

A few years ago, I had a very bad eczema flare up that went on for months. Trying simple solutions didn’t help, so I went to a dermatologist for professional advice.

She prescribed a topical corticosteroid cream and directions on how to use it. Which I did accordingly.

Within a short period of time, my skin burnt to the extent it looked as though my hands were in a fire. It took months for them to heal only to the point they no longer hurt.

Sometime after my flare up, maybe a year or two later, my sister’s eczema flared up. She always went to a dermatologist, a different one from mine. My sister was also prescribed a topical corticosteroid and also had a similar reaction.

We both have used topical cream in the past and never had a response like the one we each had. 

After looking at the topical cream prescribed to me, I realized it was a lot stronger than the one that was previously prescribed.

Vision reaction:

A different reaction from an over-the-counter topical cream happened to my daughter.

My daughter, Nikki, applied a mild topical cream for eczema to her arms. Due to my daughter’s chemical sensivities, she applied less than recommended.  Nikki’s, eczema seemed to be reacting well to the cream at first. 

Unfortunately, after a short while using the cream, she noticed her vision was becoming blurry.

Realizing that every time she put the cream on her vision would become blurrier.

With no other known change except for the cream, she immediately stopped using it. Upon stopping the use of the cream, my daughter’s vision returned to normal.

Health care provider reaction:

A common treatment for eczema is a topical cream. 

When you have chemical sensitivities, it can be difficult to be treated with a protocol treatment such as a topical corticosteroid.

This was my daughter’s, Nikki, experience.

She had a severe eczema flare up due to her clothing being accidently washed in a different detergent. Her eczema on her arms became uncontrollable, so she decided to get the advice of a dermatologist.

Alerting the dermatologist of her chemical sensitivities and her inability to use a prescription topical corticosteroid, my daughter tried discussing other treatment options.

The health care provider discouragingly listened and reluctantly prescribed what she stated was the only option my daughter can try, a prescription lotion which contained only Vitamin D. The dermatologist then left the room abruptly.

The lotion prescribed by the health care provider cost $90 and had contained many ingredients my daughter has sensitivities to. The cream was unusable for my daughter.

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It’s not JUST a lotion or cream.

  1. Lotion or creams can have side effects or adverse reactions.
  2. Remember, everyone is different.
  3. Not every side effect or adverse that can happen to you is listed on a label.
  4. Learn to recognize your symptoms.
  5. Even though you have used a topical cream before, you still may have side effects in the future.
  6. Not everything sold in a pharmacy is FDA approve.
  7. Awareness is key to your wellness.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”


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Note: All information in “Nikki’s Story” are based on detail journals covering seven years of Nikki’s life on prescription drugs.

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We share informational resources that are intended to help you with your self-care plan. We are not professionals. We write based on personal experience and personal research.

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