Symptoms of a Drug Prescription


Obtaining knowledge can often be difficult thereby clouding our awareness. This is especially noted regarding a prescription drug treatment plan. While there is a place for prescription medication, the need to be observant and knowledgeable when taking a prescribed drug is very important to your wellbeing.

This week our story continues by telling our journey to awareness.

By following our journey, you too can obtain the awareness to find your correct treatment path.

Although we wrote this post together, we have chosen to present the following story through mom’s experience.

Let’s begin!

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Mom's Story:

Journey to Awareness (Part 1)

September 22, 2023 by Nikki and Anne Heart

I often wondered how it took seven long years to recognize the inaccuracy of Nikki’s treatment plan.

With that being said, I am now aware that my perception was clouded by the trust I had in Nikki’s health care providers.

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Even though I questioned things, I trusted that the professionals would know better.

I also believed that my daughter, Nikki, would be able to comprehend what was going on enough to recognize if her diagnosis was accurate or not.

But sadly, most of the time Nikki couldn’t comprehend what was going on with her wellbeing.

With severe side effects from the prescribed drugs, Nikki wasn’t able to be mindful of what the drugs were doing to her both physically and mentally.

At one point, my daughter dressed, acted, and ate differently together with consuming alcohol obsessively.

Overall, she was a different person.

In hope of receiving help to get better, my daughter blindly trusted what she was being told and conveyed this trusted information to me.

Watching closely from the outside, I witnessed firsthand my daughter’s pain both physically and mentally. And her continued hope and struggles for relief.

With each day passing, new false promises came from her health care providers.

Feeling helpless, all I could do was secretly cry. But with each tear, I continued to grasp for hope. Hope that someone would help my daughter’s pain go away. Hope that someone would recognize what was happening.

Unfortunately, no one ever did.

As time went on, fortunately the uncontestable trust faded away regarding Nikki’s health care treatment plan.

Nikki began to look at things differently. Becoming more and more observant that something was wrong.

And with that came the awareness to take charge of her own self-help care.

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The first step towards awareness is to take the blinders off.

1. Can your drug prescription cause symptoms of another condition?

Suicidal Thinking

→ Bipolar

→ Schizophrenia

∗ Know the warning signs of any prescribed drug.

2. Can your drug prescription cause increased negative behaviors?

→ Negative Thoughts

→ Alcohol Consumption

→ Depression

→ Anger

→ Irritability

→ Stress

→ Social Anxiety

∗ Question anything out of the ordinary. 

3. Can your drug prescription affect you differently than someone else?

→ Combination of Drug Interactions

→ Chemical Sensitivities

→ Depression


∗ Realize everyone is different.

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During Nikki’s treatment, no one ever looked at why she was having so many negative reactions while on the prescription drugs.

What should be looked at prior to a prescription drug treatment plan?
Thyroid disease
  • Nikki’s dad was diagnosed with Graves’ disease before she started her prescription drug treatment plan.
  • There is a history of Thyroid disease on both sides of Nikki’s family.

Soon after Nikki’s withdrawal from the prescribed drugs, she was diagnosed with Graves’ disease.

Why is diagnosing Thyroid disease important before beginning a drug treatment plan?

Thyroid disease can mimic other diseases with similar symptoms to mood disorders, such as:

  • Depression
  • Mood changes
  • Increased anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability

Thyroid disease can be masked by certain medications.

→ Chemical & Food Sensivities
  • Nikki had sensitivities to food from a young age.
  • She experienced severe rashes at times and other physical reactions, some related to food while others were related to chemicals.
  • She experienced reactions to pool chemicals, bleach, and bug spray. 

After withdrawing from the prescribed drugs, Nikki was diagnosed with a glutamate problem. She now is on a gluten free, organic diet. 

Why is it important to recognize sensitivies before a prescription treatment plan?

  • Chemical sensitivities can mimic mood disorders along with other conditions.
  • Sensitivities can cause extreme reactions, such as memory fog, confusion as well as physical difficulties.
  • Preservatives in prescription drugs can cause reactions to those with chemical sensitivities.

Unfortunately, chemical sensitivities aren’t always recognized by the medical community.

Therefore, leading to inadequate health care.


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As we continue with our story next week, we will again focus on the importance of awareness in a treatment plan.

Through our story, we provide you with the information needed to navigate through the health care system and find a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Everyone is different. Let’s not forget that!


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It is important to remember:

Questioning, helps you obtain knowledge.

Knowledge becomes the key to awareness.

And awareness leads you to a successful journey for a happy and healthier lifestyle.

Weekly Posts Every Friday: Journey to Awareness (Part 2)

 September 29, 2023

Learn more. Live healthier!

“I believe in standardizing automobiles. I do not believe in standardizing human beings.”

– Albert Einstein –

Additional Drug Information

Get more information on a specific drug.


Mom's Story: Journey through Wellness (Part 1)
Mom's Story: Journey through Wellness (Part 2)
Mom's Story: Journey through Wellness (Part 3)
Nikki's Story: Journey into Prescription Drugs

Note: All information in “Nikki’s Story” are based on detail journals covering seven years of Nikki’s life on prescription drugs.

Medical Disclaimer:

We share informational resources that are intended to help you with your self-care plan. We are not professionals. We write based on personal experience and personal research.

Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the Website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.

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