Symptoms of a Drug Prescription

Symptoms of a Drug Prescription


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Coping tips

Healthy Coping Skills

1 Practice Self-Care to Help Cope

  • Take time for yourself
  • Eat healthy
  • Connect with nature
  • Meditate
  • Do yoga
  • Listen to soothing music
  • Stretch
  • Walk
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Learn something new for fun

2 Acknowledging Triggers Can Help You Cope

  • Keep informed but limit constant watching, reading, or listening to news stories
  • Restrict social media
  • Put boundraries on watching too much violence
  • Try to live in the moment and move on from the past
  • Recognize any chemical or food sensitivities
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Personal situations or issues
  • Hidden illnesses, such as thyroid disease
  • Financial problems
  • Job situation
  • Upcoming test
  • Lifestyle
  • Medication side effects

3 Techniques to Help You Cope

  • Deep breathing exercises, if you physically can
  • Don’t isolate yourself
  • Practice mindfullness
  • Read for pleasure
  • Write in a journal 
  • Watch a funny sitcom or movie
  • Live in the present
  • Step away from a situation even for a short time
  • Try to relax your mind
  • Slow your body and mind down even for a short time
  • Limit alcohol consumption and recreational drugs

Unhealthy Coping Strategies

  1. Excessive alcohol consumption
  2. Substance abuse
  3. Self-harm
  4. Impulsive or risky behaviors
  5. Isolation
  6. Emotional eating

Sources Used:

  1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Coping with Stress, accessed April 8. 2024.
  2. National Library of Medicine, Coping Mechanisms, Algorani EB, Gupta V. Coping Mechanisms. [Updated 2023 Apr 24]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:, access April 8, 2024.
  3. MedlinePlus, Learn to Manage Stress, accessed April 8, 2024.
More information can be found online regarding coping mechanisms and strategies. Knowledge is the key to wellness.