Mom's Story:
Journey to Wellness (Part 2)
June 30, 2023 by Nikki and Anne Heart
Although we wrote this post together, we have chosen to present the following story through Mom’s experience.
Finding the correct wellness path
My daughter Nikki’s journey to find the correct wellness path was a difficult one especially while she was on prescription drugs.
Years of inappropriate treatment came at a cost mainly to Nikki but also to our family.
How did we find wellness
After my daughter’s withdrawal from prescription drugs, we realized one of the biggest problems in her medical treatment was the complete picture was never taken into consideration.
Since then, my daughter analizes herself to get the complete picture of her physical and mental health.
Although unaware of it, my daughter utilized a holistic approach which lead her to find a better path for her overall wellbeing.
The basic definition of a holistic approach is every aspect of an individual is taken into consideration in the quest for optimal health and wellness.
I have learned through Nikki, it is indeed important that everything must be taken into account for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to take place.
Whether you believe in a complete holistic approach or not, the key is to recognize, be aware, and learn, so you can find your correct wellness path.
Recognize simply means to look at yourself to see if you can notice something that may be causing your unwellness.
It can be something as simple as a recent change in your diet, taking an allergy medication, including a supplement to your diet, or using a new skin lotion.
Or as challenging as having an underlying illness that may not be seen by the common test, such as a sensitivity to preservatives, dyes, etc.
We have also recognized that you must be aware of your environment and your triggers to help in your overall wellbeing.
Such as, a smell may cause you to become irritable without you realizing it.
A food may cause you to become depressed.
In the goal to obtain the optimum wellness, Nikki has to be on a strict diet. A diet that is organic and gluten free.
By being aware, Nikki has realized that eliminating gluten completely from her diet causes her to become very depressed.
So for Nikki a balance between gluten and gluten free foods works best for her wellness.
Once you recognize and are aware of what is causing your unwellness, the next step is to obtain the knowledge needed for the appropriate treatment plan.
As well as continuing to learn new self-help plans and techniques in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Now I want to share some techniques we commonly use in our family and the reasons why.
Even though my daughter, Nikki, and my husband both live with obsessive-compulsive disorder, the techniques may vary depending on their individual needs at the time.
Nikki tends to use a variety of techniques to get her through those rough times, since not one technique works at all times.
The main technique we try to reinforce in our household is to live in the present.
OCD is big when it comes to the “what if” scenario. What if I lose my job, what if I forget to unplug the iron and the house burns down, and so on.
By living in the present, a person tries to stay away from predicting the future. Because the future is unpredictable.
Another technique Nikki and my husband use is exercise.
An exercise routine can include an extensive work out at the gym.
For my daughter, a three-to-six-mile run allows her mind to rest from thinking.
Both use basic yoga as well as walking as part of their exercise technique.
I do not have OCD like Nikki and my husband.
But I am aware that I can get very hyperactive at times.
And like many other people, I get depressed, overwhelmed, and stressed.
My go to technique is walking. I walk at a good pace for me, but nowhere near what some would refer to as a power walk.
During this healing time, I take time to look at the birds, see the flowers, and take in the peaceful surroundings.
My favorite technique, however, is going to the cemetery. No this isn’t a typo. Let me explain.
Both my parents passed away in 2008, six weeks apart, and two years before Nikki’s journey on prescription drugs began.
In the roughest time of Nikki’s journey through prescription drugs, I started going to the cemetery quite frequently.
Something just drew me there.
I would stand at my parents’ grave site. Sometimes I’d cry and sometimes I would just talk quietly out loud.
By the time I left, whether five minutes or thirty, I felt a feeling of calmness.
Years later, I still find relief there.
It doesn’t matter what technique you choose to use.
The important thing is to keep looking for at least one that helps lead to a more balanced lifestyle.
Living a healthier and happier lifestyle is not always easy.
Depression may not be helped with a simple walk.
Negative thinking may not be helped with an exercise program.
Prescription drugs did not help my daughter, so she chose a journey for her wellness.
Finding your correct journey to wellness may be a lifelong commitment.
But remember, you are worth that commitment.
Learn more about self-help techniques that can help you in Part 3 of Journey through Wellness.
Journey to Wellness - Part 3 Friday, July 7, 2023
Learn more. Live healthier!
Note: All information in “Nikki’s Story” are based on detail journals covering seven years of Nikki’s life on prescription drugs.
Medical Disclaimer:
We share informational resources that are intended to help you with your self-care plan. We are not professionals. We write based on personal experience and personal research.
Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the Website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.
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