Symptoms of a Drug Prescription

Symptoms of a Drug Prescription

Mental Health ♥ Mom’s Story

Drug Prescription Symptoms

February 8, 2024 by Nikki and Anne Heart  Mom’s Story: Journey from Drug Prescription Symptoms

Although we wrote this post together, we have chosen to present the following journey through Mom’s eyes.

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Learning more about prescription drug symptoms and

possible negative effects of withdrawal is important. 

Let’s begin…

When I looked at Nikki from the bottom of the staircase, I couldn’t do anything but cry. I wanted to run over and hug her, but I knew the pain was far too great even for a hug. So I stood there, watching and praying from a safe distance, hoping my daughter would come back to me. 

This was in 2016 when my daughter, Nikki, was withdrawing from prescription drugs.

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Seven years on a prescription drug treatment program, lead my daughter to a year of withdrawing from drugs. And many more years of long lasting negative effects.

While my daughter was on a prescription drug treatment program, she never felt well. She had severe negative effects from the drugs.

Drug prescription symptoms during her treatment program  included:

  • Memory loss
  • Confusion
  • Lack of concentration
  • Severe weight gain
  • Increased negative thoughts
  • Obsessive behaviors
  • Irritability
  • Buzzing in head
  • Nauseousness
  • Breathing issues
  • Mood swings
  • Hallucinations
  • Vomiting
  • Joint pain
  • Anxiety
  • Shaking
  • Rashes
  • Fashion change
  • Personality change
  • Extreme highs
  • Extreme lows
  • Heightened intelligence due to brain racing
  • Stigma
  • Lack of understanding by others
  • Withdrawal
Fortunately, these negative effects don’t happen to everyone. But when they do happen, it isn’t always acknowledged appropriately.

Sometimes negative symptoms resulting from prescription drugs aren’t recognizable as such.

In my daughter’s case, she changed the way she dressed and looked. Things one would consider not bad. But after withdrawing from the drugs, my daughter realized she was not herself for years.

Nikki was able to absorb facts very quickly; but at the same time, couldn’t comprehend the world around her.

She began drinking very heavily and dropped out of college in her senior year.

My daughter became overly stressed and irritable at times. Her physical and mental unwellness caused her not only to be incapable of working but even leaving the house became a challenge.

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Living a life after a prescription drug program has lend itself to additional symptoms for my daughter, which include:

  • Memory loss
  • Loss of time
  • Depression
  • Lack of concentration
  • Extreme sensitivities
  • Physical problems
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of self-worth
  • Challenges of not learning how to deal appropriately with negative thoughts
  • Challenges to get back what was lost
  • Challenges when realizing what was lost regarding friendships, family and career goals
  • Alcoholism and drug cravings
  • Feeling less intelligent
  • Stigma
  • Lack of understanding by others
  • Discovering health issues
  • Long term withdrawal

Life after prescription drugs has proven to be challenging for Nikki.

As my daughter becomes more and more herself each day, she now faces all the obstacles that should have been addressed before the first prescription drug was ever prescribed.


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I know and understand that a drug prescription can work and is an important tool for treatment.

However, I am aware how important it is to determine if it is the right treatment plan for your mental health wellness.

Key Tips for Your Journey to Wellness:

  • Acknowledge everyone is different.
  • Realize there are no quick fixes regarding mental illness. 
  • Obtain the knowledge needed.
  • Research all pros and cons of every treatment plan.
  • Recognize, control and balance in any treatment program.
  • Trust yourself.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Keep moving forward no matter how hard it may be.
  • Understand that living a happy and healthy lifestyle may be a lifetime commitment, but not life consuming.

Anyone with the authority to write a drug prescription, should take the responsibility to have knowledge of all the symptoms of the drug which includes all negative effects of withdrawal and adverse effects of drug combinations.

Just a thought!

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Additional Drug Information

Get more information on a specific drug.

Note: All information in “Nikki’s Story” are based on detail journals covering seven years of Nikki’s life on prescription drugs.

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We share informational resources that are intended to help you with your self-care plan. We are not professionals. We write based on personal experience and personal research.

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