Awareness and understanding are important factors needed with any drug prescription. While there is a place for prescription medication, the need to be knowledgeable about a prescribed drug is very important to your wellness.
The need and desire to feel better quickly can sometimes cause us to choose a prescription drug treatment plan without questioning.
I, like many others, have accepted a prescribed drug treatment from a health care provider without questioning or hesitation.
And regrettably, I led my daughter Nikki into to a drug prescription treatment plan in hopes of her getting the help she needed quickly.
Consequently, I have learned there are no quick fixes to many health situations.
This week our journey continues by discussing the aftereffects of Nikki’s drug prescription treatment plan.
Although we wrote this post together, we have chosen to present the following story through mom’s experience.
Let’s begin!
Mom's Story:
Journey past Drug Prescriptions
September 8, 2023 by Nikki and Anne Heart
After reaching out for help, my daughter Nikki was immediately prescribed drugs as her mental health treatment plan.
During the seven years on prescribed drugs, my daughter rarely felt well.
Actually, the rare times she felt all right was from the initial high she received from a new prescribed drug.
Eventually, my daughter chose to withdraw from all her prescribed drugs.
The initial withdrawal took over a year as she slowly stopped all the prescribed drugs.
Still the withdrawal affects continued for some time afterwards.
And evidently, Nikki continues to experience the ramifications from her prescription drug treatment program.
Today, my daughter faces new consequences of being on a prescribed drug treatment plan.
During Nikki’s drug treatment, I continuously heard health care professionals tell her:
- Don’t worry you are an easy fix.
- The drugs will help you think differently, more normal.
- Take another drug because you don’t want to give away any progress you may have.
As a result of these words, Nikki has difficulty accepting how she is now.
She often feels she needs to fix herself to be normal. Without doing a fix, she won’t progress in her life.
While on the prescription drugs, my daughter did change.
I noticed how differently she:
- dressed
- processed information
- thought
- ate
- consumed alcohol
Most of the time this difference wasn’t a positive one. In fact, it seldom was for Nikki.
Before being prescribed drugs, my daughter was never an overly confident person.
Henceforth, the drugs exacerbated her lack of confidence causing her to have major social anxiety issues.
Additionally, the drugs also caused memory fog and loss.
Over the years, some of these issues have corrected. Unfortunately, some have not.
There are also hidden and unspoken negative effects after stopping prescription drugs (long-term effects).
Number 1:
The most heartbreaking effect of her prescription drug treatment program is the loss of time Nikki experienced not being herself.
- Time, she has no recollection of.
- Time, she feels embarrassed of.
Number 2:
Additionally, at this time she was not able to establish a career path for herself due to the negative effects of the drugs she was prescribed.
Number 3:
Since the drugs provided that initial high, she continues to crave a high she cannot receive without them.
Number 4:
With the consistent promise of making Nikki normal with drug treatment, she now feels she isn’t.
Even though my daughter knows and believes that everyone is different, she strives to have confidence in herself. To overcome the feeling of not being normal.
Number 5:
Following the false hope and promises given to my daughter throughout the years, Nikki now lacks the trust she once had.
Not only has she lost the trust in the health care system but overall trust in others.
Number 6:
One of the hardest things she has to face is the loneliness, because others cannot understand that a drug treatment program can cause such negative effects in someone’s life.
Nor could they accept the reasons why she reached out for help to begin with.
Of course, not everyone will experience this outcome on a prescription drug treatment plan.
But for those who have experienced the negative effects of prescription drugs, we continue weekly sharing our journey, so you know you are not alone.
Through our stories, we share the knowledge, information and awareness that we have obtained over the years.
The important things needed to help find your correct journey.
As we move forward in our weekly posts, we will be discussing more about finding and learning about side effects (adverse reactions) before, during and after taking a drug prescription.
We hope you will continue our journey with us.
Weekly Posts Every Friday: Journey Continues
September 15, 2023
Learn more. Live healthier!
Note: All information in “Nikki’s Story” are based on detail journals covering seven years of Nikki’s life on prescription drugs.
Medical Disclaimer:
We share informational resources that are intended to help you with your self-care plan. We are not professionals. We write based on personal experience and personal research.
Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the Website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.
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